Thursday, March 16, 2017

Sex is the problem!

After a huge hiatus, La Fiera is back.
La Fiera is usually more inspired and creative during shitty periods in his life, so being inundated by overwhelming happiness over the last year kept him away from this blog.

Since I'm back, you can bet the old moods returned.

So, sex is not the solution. Sex is the problem!

- If sex didn't exist we wouldn't be unfaithful. Just a bunch of cool dudes and gals who never feel the need to cheat, or add variety to their lives. No cheating = less suffering, fewer families broken.

- Nobody would feel frustrated by having experimented too little, or having burned "stages" in their lives. No frustration.

- No betrayal among horny, insatiable friends lusting after your hot girlfriend. More healthy friendships in the world.

- No broken marriages twenty years later when she suddenly materializes her lesbian tendencies. Keeping the family unit intact.

- No dissatisfaction. She wouldn't feel bad comparing the current lover's skills with those of the previous one. He, on the other hand, wouldn't judge her by her sexual prowess or her fuck score. (Read : The Fuck Score). But only by her ability to be a good, likable person.

- Easiness to forget failed relationships. Relationships would still fail: there are always bitchy attitudes that just can't be handled, but it would be easy to move on without remembering how good sex used to be with him or her. Do you think people can't forget a person because of how good a cook he was? or how well she cleaned the house? yeah, that may has some influence, but come on, don't kid yourself.

- No more predatory behaviors such as rape, or worse, priests molesting little kids.

- No more scandals (Clinton, Schwarzenegger, my Physics teacher). Leading politicians to fewer distractions, teachers to do better jobs, and the press to focus on more important matters.

- No more porn addiction in the world. Fewer weirdos.

- No more computer viruses, obtained from abusive porn watching habits.

- No more Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Huge save of tax payers money.

- No LGBT problems and dilemmas. Yahooooo! No differentiation between humans. No discrimination based on sexual orientation.

So, there you have it. Imagine how peaceful and prosperous a world without sex would be.
Doesn't it look nice?
Wouldn't it be nice to live in such an idyllic paradise? almost without jealousy, few broken marriages, kids growing up in healthy environments alongside both mom and Dad?
Wouldn't you want that?
Who wouldn't want that?

on the other hand..............
Coño es tan rico! (cuando se hace bien of course)
Fuck the world, society and idyllic paradises!
It's not worth it.
The status quo works! And that's why despite all the problems that physical sex entails, not a single politician makes proposals about its elimination. They are horny people too, plus no society would support those dudes and duddettes either, so it would be their political demise. We're all just beasts deep down inside. We're all Fieras Humanas.

Escrito por "La Fiera Humana" el Jueves 16 de Marzo del 2017.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Why relationships don't work anymore

Face it they just don't. I've been part of this phenomenon by actively adding my own statistics to it. It saddened me every time I saw one of my relationships come to and end and it still saddens me when couples around me break on a daily basis.

Why, why, why aren't relationships just working anymore?

1- Social Media
Attention whores are now all over the place. You want attention from the world. You want popularity. Being popular in the confinements of your home is just not enough. I just doesn't cut it anymore. So, you go ahead, take a selfie, post it on Instagram or Facebook and right away you have 29389723 people drooling over you and boosting your self esteem with sexual comments and innuendo. This attention causes the release of doses of dopamine in your brain that bring temporary pleasure that people just can't stop craving from then on.

2- Cell phones
Although they look useful, and they are, they are relationship killers. You don't talk to people anymore. You just text them. You don't see people face to face anymore. You just text them. You let know someone that you are attractive using a wink, or a smiley, or you ask them out through an sms. Long gone are the days where you needed the guts to knock on the girls door, face the Dad, ask if Carla is in. She doesn't see your eyes, the tone of your voice. Cell phones have made it way to easy to approach the opposite sex. Anybody can approach no matter how bad your game is. This inevitably leads to lower quality hook ups on average.

3-EBay, Paypal, ECommerce
You don't buy flowers and bring them over in person anymore. You buy them on the Internet and pay for the delivery to her house. You don't buy furniture while walking on the store holding each other's hands anymore, you just browse through a catalog online from your bed.

Points 1, 2, and 3 have led to a disconnected life. We don't cherish physical contact anymore. We are lacking it. We are putting the social essence of our specie aside for the detriment of the quality of our relationships.

4-Living Costs and Taxes are a bitch
People let the stress of daily life take over their lives. 

That Broadway show we were thinking about last month? Forget it! Rent is coming up. 

That get away over to a remote two star motel to have sex on a random weekend? Don't make me laugh, we still have mountains of student debt and anyways, we better use our weekends to put some work in order to obtain those extra dollars we always need.

The trip to Italy we always dreamed about. Are you Bill Gates? our BMW and Accord car payments are coming in two days again.

Threesome? Hell No! They are too expensive these days and besides, with all my bills and financial commitments I just don't feel sexual anymore. I don't have time to be thinking about sex.

People live in wonderful cities they can't enjoy due to excessive working hours in order to make ends meet. When money is tight (it always is), this tightness inevitably starts to influence your daily life to the point you just postpone romance and quality time altogether.

5-Online Porn
Too much good material out there to jerk off to. By the time the lady comes home your tank is empty. This didn't happen in the past. Our grandpas didn't have to deal with this complicated issue.

6-Gender Equality
I know it is not politically correct to deprive women of the same rights men always had. I'm not in favor or against. I'm just stating facts and the fact is that Gender Equality has led to the destruction of the family as the core of modern societies. Women can and do now ride the cock carousel without consequences only to try and settle down in their thirties, after a lot of mental issues and well past their physical prime. Inevitably fewer men will be able to love them at that point. 

The lack of Gender Equality forced women to stay in broken marriages in the past. Either for economical support or just to avoid being ostracized in a world that marginalized divorced female individuals.

So, Are we worse than our grand parents? Are we meaner or more stupid persons nowadays?
Not at all. We're victims of modernity, technology and freedom. If our grand parents had to deal with Facebook, Instagram, cell Phones, Ebay, Paypal, online shopping, High living costs, Porn and Gender Equality you can bet relationships just wouldn't have worked. Marriages just wouldn't have lasted as they did.

Is the current state of things good or bad?
Look, La Fiera is not here to judge, just to share his wisdom.

I hate attention whores on Facebook and Instagram (although specifically on Instagram some of them are really hot). 

On the other hand, I like it when people are sincere to themselves and to those around. I like it for women to not be oppressed or discriminated against. I prefer free human beings rather than persons tied to unions that are long dead and just make them unhappy.

I prefer horny people with a fun sex life thanks to porn.

In general I agree with modernity. But if you want for your relationship to last in the long run, please be aware of all these factors, and actively do something every day to mitigate their influence:

Spend quality time with your loved one at least 15 minutes every day. Watch a movie together. Listen to music while you cook (don't order out). Clean up the house together. Talk to each other without technology interruptions at least 10 minutes per day. Work out together.

Make it a habit to not waste more than 10 minutes per day on social media sites.

Do not text him/her. Do Call him/her. Do not text him, go talk to him and have him look into your eyes.

Live well below your means so that finances are never a problem that kills the mood in the relationship.

Watch not any, but good porn together.

Be modern and accept gender equality, but show who's the boss in the house and in bed. Earn that respect with your masculinity, strength and cock. Treat her nice, but tough. Have her be your princess as well as your whore, all in the same day.

Escrito por "La Fiera Humana" el Lunes 21 de Septiembre del 2015.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Internet is killing your manhood and your womanhood too

Let's say you are a woman in 1912.
You saw a handsome guy on the street and wanted to tell your girl-friends about it.
Well, you didn't have a cell phone to take a pic, didn't have Instagram, or Facebook to share it immediately. You didn't have Twitter to tell your followers. You didn't have followers.

If you wanted the whole world to know, you would have had to write it on either a book or some form of written press; find the support of an editor that was moved by the deepness of your story, and after that put your money behind the printing process.

Then you needed to get the word out somehow. Back then, it was pretty much paying for boards on the streets of your city.

It was a slow and committed process with money behind it.
Letting the world know about that cute boy you saw on the streets, suddenly became a task involving more than 10 men. A task that would take hundreds of men-hours to develop and quite a bit of money to back up.

Obviously,........under these circumstances, people were only going to pursue the sharing of information if the material to share was truly worth sharing. Like a scientific discovery, a game changing research, a theater show coming to town, etc. You were only going to share things for which you and the publisher would get some kind of reward (monetary, social recognition, fame, political advantages or whatever)

The lack of technological advancements was preventing humans from being in permanent communication, but at the same time it had its advantage: If you looked for material to read, it was usually enriching and worth reading material, that would some how feed your soul and improve you as an individual.

Unfortunately things have changed,....for the worse.
Sharing my look this morning doesn't cost me a penny, I go ahead and share a selfie. Getting likes doesn't cost anything. On the contrary it acts as a validator of my worthiness. Tweetting something doesn't cost you a penny, in fact the feedback of seeing your tweet shared releases dopamine in your brain which makes you momentarily happier, and would make you pursue that same sensation over and over again. Haven't you noticed how after a post, you keep checking your Facebook to see if you got comments or likes? It happens to everybody. It's an addiction. Where you constantly seek approval. Understandable. It makes you feel better.

The low cost of sharing information has created a world where billions of people are sharing crap all day. Crap that we share, for others to see and re-share.

You can now write any piece about any subject with no need of being an expert and the article may go viral!!! and you can become an instant celebrity with it.

I could now write an article about how stupid polar bears are, without knowing a damn thing about polar bears. The article may hit the jack pot and get 100 re-tweets and 1000 Facebook shares in one day. All of a sudden defenders of animals rights and Greenpeace take notice and start commenting on the article, condemning me as an international demon. Instantly, some "like minded" individual with "advanced" abilities using Wikipedia goes ahead and creates the definition of "La Fiera Humana" documenting the controversy that led to my fame and success. Just a few days later I become a story in the front page of the Washington Post.

The overabundance of crappy information is literally killing our brains. We're exposing ourselves to too much crap on a daily basis. Crap which is highly addictive.

Recognize your addiction

It took me a while to recognize I was sick. But some symptoms started to emerge:

- Too much time on the internet in spite of having already read my usual trust-worthy sites.
- Checking emails constantly and subconsciously every 10 minutes without any thing special going on in my life for which one would expect a special email.
- Opening the phone to take a peek at Facebook or Twitter when it hadn't vibrated. There was nothing new involving me.
- Going to bed too late unnecessarily.
- Insomnia and inability to have a solid 8 hour straight, no-interruption sleep.
- Decreased libido over the constant fear/stress about your own personal future and/or the survival of your specie.
- Decrease in productivity and creativity as an individual.
- Eyes tired and more frequent headaches.

It is important to get your life back. I suddenly realized how stressed out I was and how permanently tired. I didn't study music anymore, let alone write my own songs. My work outs used to be sloppy and lacking energy. My sex drive was not the same.
The internet was silently and slowly killing my manhood and my personality.

Fortunately, there is a cure

- Get rid of your smartphone.
Yes, I know it hurts, but it's really the first liberation step and perhaps the most crucial. Let it go and move back to the simpler, cheaper versions built just for talking. I haven't followed this step yet, but I already uninstalled all social media applications I used in the past. It feels so much better. Soon enough I'll go back to a non-smartphone (should I call it a dumb-phone?), you know the kind of phone that fits comfortably in your pocket.

- Create a routine in your life where you only check your email once or twice a day. I for example do it on my lunch break, and then later in the evening. Outside of those hours, make an effort to focus on your daily responsibilities without the interruption of emails.

- Do lift weights and run, don't skip sessions at the gym. It helps combat stress, it keeps you in better shape. If you are a man it stimulates the production of testosterone and increases your sex drive. No more gym sessions skipped due to reading up crap on the internet. If you are a girl, the gym will shape up your body and your feeling sexier will directly lead to a more active sex life.

- Talk to people. This will be a direct result of the other measures. Without checking social media constantly and without checking emails, the human side of me has seen itself more open to establishing conversations with my co-workers. That has certainly improved my humor at the office and new feelings of camaraderie have been born that make me feel more alive and productive at work.

- Take up that abandoned hobby that the Internet was preventing you from enjoying. I started playing guitar again. I play around with random chords and melodies for hours. I have time to experiment new armories. I have time. That's the key! Getting your time back. I've been learning about how to play harmonica and the type of things you can do with such a noble instrument. And because I have time, I will be buying one in the next few days.
Recovering your hobby will make you feel like your previous self. Take up those abandoned dance classes, write a story, paint a tree! Suddenly creativity starts to flow again. I am now able to write articles like this one for example. It had become a real and frustrating problem to not be able to come up with something mildly fresh and new. Now ideas just come easily and without effort. As it should have always been hadn't I been infected with the Internet addiction.

- Limit your hours of online porn viewing. Seriously. It kills your sexual desires in the long run. If you haven't mastered the art of viewing porn without masturbating, it's even worse as you unleash all that sexual energy with yourself in front of a screen instead of your special one. Destroying that special bond in the long term.

I can imagine what you are thinking now: "This guy is crazy. I can't live and WILL NEVER even attempt to live without my iPhone. But man, this article was good and worth sharing! I'm going to share it to see if I get a couple thumbs up".

You are so addicted that you don't even recognize the addiction in you. You don't even remotely consider uninstalling the social media apps from your smartphone. It would be sacrilegious to not have a smartphone anymore.  You are so addicted that you are about to share this post on Facebook, or Twitter, or Read-it or ...or....or.
Please don't!!! I beg you!! DO NOT SHARE THIS CRAP. Just take the advice and I hope it makes a contribution in curing your addiction. Get your hormones back. Get your life back.
You're welcome.

Escrito por "La Fiera Humana" el Domingo 4 de Mayo del 2014.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Lo preferible

Despertar y ver tu imagen mansa, aun dormida boca abajo con pelo mayormente suelto, era una verdadera dicha. Y más aún lo era cuando al despertar regalabas esa amplia sonrisa que en tu boca se dibujaba.

Despertar, verte a mi lado y saberte parcialmente mía, se volvía motivo de mis mayores alegrías.

Despertar ya sin ti duele. Es sentir que se escapa el alma entre mis manos mientras muero un poquito más cada día. Pero pese al vacío y la necesidad de poner tu recuerdo a un lado, un pedazo de mí se aferra a la imagen del primer pá mansa, la risueña, la que fue parcialmente mía y tanto dio. Es sin dudas preferible quedarse con lo bueno siempre.

Escrito por "La Fiera Humana" el Martes 25 de Febrero del 2014.

Monday, September 16, 2013

La fricción crea cariño

Pregúntele a un físico qué crea la fricción y le responderá de immediato "Calor".
Claro! Frote dos objetos fuertemente un rato y obtendrá calor. No más era ese precisamente el principio básico mediante el cual nuestros antepasados creaban el fuego. Pero no es a esa fricción a la que me refiero. Me refiero a la otra, a la que tú sabes. Cariñosamente conocida como "penetration", del sustantivo común "pene". Esa fricción crea cariño, y puede ser para usted una nueva revelación. Mantente leyendo.

Siempre estuvo claro que la penetración provoca cariño en el ser femenino. No matter how bitch or slutty she is. Cuando hay fricción hoy, y mañana,y pasado mañana, inevitablemente se generan sentimientos en su cerebro, y adopta una tendencia natural a la estabilidad y abandono de la slutiness. Es casi inevitable para todos los especímenes hembras. Y es fisiológicamente lógico. La mujer es invadida. Un cuerpo extraño es acogido dentro de su ser. La experiencia es mucho más rica sensorialmente hablando, mucho más amplia y abarcadora. Está siendo poseída, alguien tiene control sobre ella constantemente. Y en ese punto, reacciones como el beso, el abrazo son más que naturales prácticamente obligatorias para ella. El hombre posee una elongación. El hombre penetra, invade territorio ajeno. No recibe nada dentro de sí. Nadie lo posee, nadie más fuerte lo controla. Tiene la fuerza para dominar, y la herramienta para invadir territorio enemigo. Es más común encontrar hombres capaces de desligar amor y sexo, que mujeres. Aunque mujeres obviamente también existen, hay verdaderas perdularias por ahí. El hombre puede penetrar, penetrar, penetrar, y seguir sin sentimientos. Hasta que otras cosas enganchen.

Pero cómo se explica que se extrañe a alguien que no has tenido realmente? Alguien con quién relamente no has convivido? Y compartido grandes vivencias? Será que extrañas solo el sexo?
Y si luego de evacuar y matar unos cuantos expermatozoides (a.k.a paja) en tus ratos de soledad y ocio aún extrañas a ese alguien? Es entonces sexo solamente? Obviamente no.

Por lo cual está bien claro. La penetración puede generar sentimientos. Incluso en el especímen masculino de la raza. El roce roce, la fricción crea cariño. Si la penetración ocurrió solo par de veces, pues no necesariamente genera cariño. Pero la eficacia aumenta gradualmente a mayores dosis. Al punto de que después de la 10ma batalla ya hay potencial enganche. Incluso aunque sea eso sólo lo que se haga! Valdría la pena hacer un experimento donde dos personas que se atraigan (físicamente) tengan sexo por un espacio de días consecutivos, sin intercambiar una sola palabra, ni un solo diálogo. Se levantan, se limpian, desayunan, se marchan. En la noche se repite el ciclo de sexo. Cero diálogo, sólo buen sexo 30 días consecutivos. Estoy dispuesto a apostar que se genera afecto en ambos participantes de manera casi inevitable. Incluso aunque la penetración sea fuerte y al borde del abuso. Ponga a los mismos individuos, cero diálogo, a pasarse la mano en las noches por la carita uno al otro 30 días consecutivos. No se genera el mismo estado de dependencia y cariño. Simplemente no ocurre. Se va para el diablo y no se extraña.

Este descubrimiento es bueno y malo. Malo, porque los Casanovas corren peligro con su propio acto de invasión a la prójima. Por eso se deshacen rápidamente de sus presas y atacan otras. Bueno, porque deja que pensar y da un motivo de alegría a los-las inconformes. Si usted fue amante de un tipo que luego nunca dejó a su mujer, o simplemente amante de un tipo que luego la dejó por otra, nunca piense que no fue querida. Si hubo suficiente fricción (más de 10 batallas) pues es probable que usted haya sido querida también. Que hayan sentido algo legítimo por usted. Porque como dije antes. La fricción, crea cariño.

Y cojone! déjame ver si por fin ya hay al menos una lavadora vacía en la lavandería! Me cago en la partía de immigrantes acaparadores estos!!! 2 veces he bajado ya! Dos!!! Y nada!! Voy pa la tercera y mira qué hora es!!

Escrito por La Fiera Humana el Lunes, 16 de Septiembre del 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Falta todo

Ya falta todo. Ya no existe el sonido de tu sonrisa, ni el timbre de tu voz, ni la agitación al reír. Ya ni siquiera está la dicha de ver un puntico tornarse verde en mi pantalla. Ya ni siquiera estás, como algo que llegó y se fue sin más ni más. Como algo que nunca existió.

Y esa ausencia hace un hueco enorme. Porque en el fondo yo sé que sí existió. Porque sí fue real.

At times La Fiera Humana might sound cruel, but La Fiera Humana is always sensitive.

Escrito por "La Fiera Humana" el Martes 16 de Julio del 2013.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Fuck Score

When you recall your sexual experiences and try to assess how good or bad a specific girl was in bed, you get the feeling that perhaps she was awesome, then one week later you say "no no, she wasn't that good", or maybe one month later you think she was probably among your best. The same thing happens when you compare two women that you fornicated with, and suddenly it looks like a tie, but another day there is a clear winner. One day you wake up thinking that one was definitely a better fuck, then the next hour you think it was the other one. And it is all so subjective, because invariably there are some feelings involved plus the charisma of the girls and the good moments you used to have together. All that gets in the middle and suddenly there is no objective way to evaluate the pure sex performer in her.

That's how I created the Fuck Score. Finally and objective way to measure how good or bad a woman is in bed. Let's stop all the subjectivity once and for all and finally put numbers to work into this important matter. Of course this score is not all it takes to have a good and fulfilling relationship with someone. But given the importance that is given to sex these days, only a few would argue the usability of the Fuck Score System.

It's all pretty simple, with our goal being to rate a woman with a score from 0 to 100. The higher the better. Note: In order to estimate an accurate score you need at least 5 sex sessions to properly evaluate her in all the aspects.

Without further ado:

1- Physical attractiveness (10 points). Yes, I know being attractive does not mean you are a good fuck, but it certainly helps. Even if she is a cold stone in bed, if she is an 8 or a 9 you will at least feel the inspiration to devour her. Keep in mind that a 10 should be something exceptional in this scale, only reserved for the Scarlett Johanssons of the world. And a 0 would be a manly, hairy tomboy with acne, bad smell and 50 pounds overweight.

2- Sexual seduction technique (8 points). If she displays an irresistible degree of femininity. If she is able to provoke your darkest desires even though you were feeling awfully tired. If she likes to seduce you, I don't care if it is dancing naked in front of you, talking dirty, posing in sexy positions while whispering words in your ear. Whatever turns you on. If she is able to make it irresistible to want to possess her, then that's an 8. A 4 would be someone that is not so feminine and at the same time willingly participates in this exercise only from time to time. Zero is for someone that has no idea how to seduce a man when she is horny and he is not and wouldn't do it even if her life depended on it.

3- Easy to get wet. Natural horniness displayed towards you (7 points). Does she get wet easily? Is her libido naturally elevated or easy to provoke? A very wet pussy with little effort means a woman with sexual appetite. Always a good sign for the next minutes to come. She gets all 7 points if she is naturally wet even without your touch, by only feeling your presence and thinking about the remote possibility of sex. If she is naturally hard to get wet, and it takes 10 minutes of hard work to do it every time, then her appetite is prone to diminish throughout the intercourse action and her interest in sex, or probably in you is not that high.

4- Oral sex technique (7 points).  If she always wants to do it to you, if she feels sex and her life is incomplete without her fellatioing you. If she just goes there every time, even without your permission. If your cock never feels her teeth. If she knows how to make it softly, aggressively, roughly, all the styles. If she is able to make you come in less than 3 minutes using only her mouth and tongue, she gets the maximum here. Zero would be the one that pulls your balls irresponsibly, makes your cock remember the existence of her teeth constantly and never wants to do it, but you have to beg her.

5- Body movement in female dominant positions (8 points). She moves delightfully well in positions such as cow girl and reverse cow girl. Well means she looks very feminine and screws your brain and self control. I can't describe it better than this because what you consider well is very personal. But definitely, this aspect is crucial when determining how good a girl is.

6- Body movement in female submissive positions (5 points). Is she still able to shake her waist and butt even in the most physically limited circumstances? Like doggy style or missionary? If so, that's a total bonus.

7- Anal sex (10 points). Nothing better for a man than having two holes available with different features. Obviously an important aspect that shows versatility in the specimen. 10 points is for the girl who feels any sex session is incomplete without an anal component. She is highly skilled and genuinely enjoys her self while at it. She eagerly asks you for it without you even mentioning the subject. 5 points would be for a girl that is able to do it, but doesn't really enjoy it, she just does it to please you and makes you stop from time to time as she is not entirely comfortable. Zero is for someone who is totally closed to the idea.

8- Enjoyment of a wide range of sex styles (7 points). Doing it always the same way can result in boring sex in the long term. If she is able to have passionate sex, romantic sex, rough sex and enjoy them all, that will definitely make her a better fuck. If you are into BDSM and all that stuff, you can add that too.

9- Willingness to explore new ideas and positions (7 points). Because of the variety component that we as humans need. A higher score for the girl that is always willing to explore new ideas and positions even though they are gymnastically demanding.

10- Moaning quality (5 points). Does it sound natural? Is her moaning sincere? is it feminine? Does her moaning make you weaker and closer to the no return point?

11- Talk quality during sex (5 points). Sex cannot be silent. And some oral interaction is desirable. It is a total bonus when she is able to smile during sex, talk, whisper things or actively participate in dirty talk.

12- FFM Threesome fantasying (8 points). As the male ultimate fantasy (and that of many women too) the level of eroticism in the relationship skies rocket when she fantasizes about FFM threesomes and genuinely enjoys the idea with you. Obviously there can be rules (such as you not penetrating the female guest). But the point is: is your girl willing to live that experience? And live the threesome as a gift to herself and not to you? Does she get horny discussing the possibility? An 8 is only achievable when the girl meets all the criteria but at the same time has already participated in at least one and knows she likes it. 6 or 7 is for the girl who totally admits how much she would like it and is totally up for it but hasn't participated just yet. 4 would be for someone who likes to fantasize about it but would leave it as a fantasy. 2 points is for a girl that rejects the idea when talking to you but gets wet while watching an FFM threesome in a porn film. Zero is for the one who believes you are an immoral and you are inevitably going to hell for having these sinful thoughts.

13- Porn friendliness (7 points). Porn is a nice tool to spice things up in a relationship and therefore a plus if the girl watches porn. In order to achieve a high score she inevitably needs to enjoy not only any kind of porn, but also lesbian porn. In the middle of the scale is a 4 or a 3 for the girl who enjoys it from time to time but is not totally willing to enjoy female to female interaction or at least not all the time.

14- Openness to sexual toys (3 points). She purchases them her self. She gives them to you as a gift. She is brave enough to go to the sex shop alone. That's a 3.

15- Availability per scenery (3 points). Is she limited to the bedroom? Or is she willing to do it in other spaces like a public washroom, your balcony etc? 

Because it is all personal, obviously tastes and scores are different even for the same girl. For example a woman can be a solid 80 points performer for male A but a poor 60 point performer for male B. For example she might be more naturally horny towards male A, which would cause individual A to rate her higher in aspect number 3 (Easy to get wet), where individual B would give her a lower score. But that's fine because everyone is entitled to this own opinion when it comes to evaluating how good  a fuck someone is.

This system makes perfect sense, and now looking back, it is the reason why it became hard in the past to forget some particular girls. Back then I didn't know with scientific numbers. But now, I realize that a girl with a Fuck Score (FS) above 75 is a solid performer. Someone you won't easily forget. I have never had a 90 FS girl. But that's fine, because I can honestly say 75 makes me pretty happy. And besides, it is good to have room for improvement. A girl between 50 and 70 is a normal, average performer, which you will eventually forget with ease. And at the other end of the spectrum is the poor performer, bellow 40 which you will never forget but for the wrong reasons.

The number of points you allocate per aspect is totally personal, based on your priorities. This means you can (and maybe should) tweak this system and make it your own.

And again my friends, the FS is just one component of the relationship. In order to truly evaluate the potential of a relationship you need to measure some other stats, such as the Bitchiness+Annoyance Level (BAL) which deserves a whole post for itself. But a low BAL is desirable. A girl with a high FS and low BAL is a pleasure to be with. Therefore, the FS/BAL ratio would be a final number to rate a girl more accurately including stuff other than sex. The higher the FS/BAL ratio, the better the girl will be.

Now, go evaluate your partners, and analyze the FS results! You will be surprised because you will finally be able to answer the complicated and up to now subjective question: who was better in bed? and how much better?

Escrito el Sabado 13 de Julio por "La Fiera Humana"